Corporate Site Visits

Here is where all the wonderful corporate site visit information sits! We have included who they are and what we did.


The Apple Device Management and Security Platform. Kandji goes beyond Apple MDM solutions by integrating device security and device management into one platform.

Kandji brought up panelists to speak to us about their product, network, ask, and answer questions. Thank you Kandji for welcoming us into your space.


LinkedIn offers a free, basic membership to anyone who wants to create and maintain a professional profile online.

LinkedIn welcomed us into their space and had panelists speak to us. We got great advice and asked lots of questions. Thank you for getting together with us.


Verizon Communications was formed in 2000 and is one of the world's leading providers of technology and communications services.

Verizon Innovation Labs in San Francisco provided firsthand experience with cutting-edge technologies. It was an insightful and educational experience, offering a glimpse into the future of technology and innovation. Thank you Verizon for this experience.

Wells Fargo

For generations, Wells Fargo has been helping people go further. From exchanging gold coins for paper checks to enabling online transactions, they’re continually innovating so their customers can get ahead.

Wells Fargo welcomes us into their space to do mock interviews and network with their employees to grow our interview skills. Thank you Wells Fargo for this amazing opportunity!

Thank You For Welcoming Us!